Most business leaders understand and measure trust — it’s a given. But too few realise the degree to which consumer decisions are prejudiced by distrust.
Consider your own choices when booking a flight. There are always a number of airline brands you trust. If, however, you distrusted an airline to get you safely to your destination, you would never book a flight with them.
Each day tens of millions of purchasing decisions are made in Australia. Distrust plays a major role in most of them. An unchecked increase in the distrust felt towards your brand has a direct, measurable bottom-line impact, with distrust-driven customer churn leading to loss of market share and a plummeting share price.
Just look at AMP. For a century the Australian icon had virtually no distrust, and then came the brand shock of the Financial Services Royal Commission. Almost overnight AMP became Australia’s second most distrusted brand. It suffered a 5.5 billion outflow of funds and it’s share price plummeted by 74%, wiping $4 billion off its market value.
That’s why it’s vital to understand the risk of distrust and to track both the distrust and trust consumers have for your brand and your competitors.
Roy Morgan makes it simple.
Our risk monitor tracks hundreds of brands across 26 industry sectors. It is available in a variety of formats, from snapshot overviews, to deep-dive bespoke reports. Now an in-depth understanding of the trends and drivers of distrust and trust is at your fingertips.
Risk Report (topline rankings – all companies):
• Ranking your industry
• Ranking your company and competitors among all industries and within your industry
• Reasons Australians trust and distrust brands in their own words, with themes revealed
• PDF and hardcopy version
Risk Insights Report (about your company):
• Insights into trust and distrust for your company, key competitors and industry
• Net score, trust and distrust scores, and ranking for your company and key competitors
• Reasons Australians trust and distrust your company and key competitors in their own words and with key themes revealed
• Trend and demographic analysis
• Executive briefing
Roy Morgan Risk Report
This topline report provides an overview of the drivers of trust and distrust, shows which industries are most trusted and most distrusted, and reveals the relative positions of brands in each industry.
To find out more about the Roy Morgan Risk Report and how your brand stacks up visit our Online Store.
Industry Risk Deep-dive Surveys
We produce specific surveys and reports for key industries including:
• Banking
• Private Health Insurance
• Mining & Petroleum
• Professional Sport
• Media
• Social Media
• Energy
• Agribusiness
• Government
Customised Reporting
Bespoke reports are also available, drawn from the Roy Morgan Risk Monitor which collects responses from more than 20,000 Australians each year. This report will provide detailed analysis which will help you understand your risk around distrust and trust, the impact distrust has on your brand, and how this risk can be managed.
Take a look at these short videos to see the depth of thematic analysis available through Roy Morgan’s analysis.
For more information on the risk insights available, email us on or call us on 1800 633 813.