Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research

Discover how your potential customers feel and what motivates them

Roy Morgan has extensive experience in a wide range of qualitative research approaches and is able to design customised solutions for the exploration of sensitive or complex research issues. Our team is experienced in commercial research for testing and evaluating new products and services as well as the attitudes and motivations of clients and customers of Government, welfare and not-for-profit organisations.

Our experienced qualitative researchers go beyond what people say to provide an understanding of what motivates them and what they think and feel. The technique is exploratory in nature and we would generally recommend qualitative research to:

  • Provide insight into the reasoning and belief structures that shape people’s attitudes and actions
  • Explore driving attitudes, motivations, and underlying values that may influence attitudes and actions
  • Identify perceptions that drive particular behaviours
  • Inform questionnaire design by identifying issues and topics for quantification in surveys
  • Develop and evaluate concepts for new products and services

Roy Morgan’s qualitative researchers conduct focus group discussions and in-depth interviews across metropolitan, regional and rural regions using a variety of projective techniques and direct and indirect questioning approaches.

Focus Groups

The success of focus group discussion as a market research technique is based on the moderator’s ability to create a relaxed environment and at the same time develop sufficient trust so that participants are comfortable about speaking candidly and giving free expression to their experiences and attitudes. This technique offers an effective forum for the presentation of stimulus material and the evaluation and development of creative concept material.

The group environment encourages the flow of spontaneous discussion and enables the moderator to probe and explore new issues of interest as they emerge. Spontaneous interjections are encouraged and stimulated; they add new dimensions sometimes previously overlooked.

In-depth Interviews

Although in-depth interviews do not have the same dynamic stimulation of the focus group discussion they do provide a deeper, more personal understanding of the individual’s underlying motivations, attitudes and behaviour. The findings from in-depth interviews provide a basis for insightful strategic recommendations. In-depth interviews are an effective qualitative technique for discussing sensitive issues or for specialised or difficult to recruit consumers.

At Roy Morgan, we have undertaken in-depth interviews with senior executives, business people, welfare recipients, the aged and Indigenous people, as well as many other important groups (health specialists, teachers, students, drug users, gamblers, etc).

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